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Evening Routine for Remembering Dreams

Do you remember the dream you had last night? For many, including my 8-year-old son, they may claim they didn’t dream, so there’s nothing to remember. In fact, everyone dreams multiple times each night.

Why would anyone want to remember their dreams anyway?

Those on a spiritual awakening journey can gain tremendous insight into everything from challenges they need to overcome to their life purpose – and everything in between. Dreams can be profound teachers, if only we could 1, remember them and 2, understand them.

In this blog post, I’ll share the evening routine I follow that has allowed me to really harness the wisdom that can be accessed through dreams. To understand the dreams that come through for you will require more than a single blog post can cover, but I will do my best over the coming months and years to help you decipher them through follow-up posts and spiritual counseling services (if you feel called to work with me directly).

Here’s the full routine outline:

  1. Set the intention to remember your dreams
  2. Put an amethyst, moonstone, or clear quartz crystal under your pillow
  3. Ensure you have something near your bed to record your dreams

As you can see, with just three simple steps, even a busy single mom like me has time to put it into practice.

Let’s dive deeper into each.

Set the intention

If you’ve used intention-setting as part of your mindfulness routine, you already know how powerful it can be. Applying it to remembering your dreams is no different. Something as simple as, “I intend to remember my dreams and understand their wisdom” works perfectly. Repeating this out loud as you get into bed and in your head as you drift off to sleep will cross over to your subconscious and will help you to remember all of your dreams. I do this and often remember up to 4 dreams I have each night!

Using crystals

Amethyst crystals boost intuition, spiritual awareness, and psychic abilities. Moonstone activates the third eye and crown chakras. Clear quartz crystals have a Master Healer energy. If you only have one crystal, it should be a clear quartz because it has a plethora of uses and incredibly powerful! Putting any of these under your pillow, near your third eye chakra, while you sleep helps to open and activate that connection to your higher self/spirit guides/Source energy while you’re sleeping.

*Pro tip: Put the crystal in your pillowcase so you don’t lose it if you toss & turn at night.*

Recording your dreams

If you’re like me, a very light sleeper who wakes up several times each night, it’s possible that each time you wake up you’ll remember the dream you were just having. To capture all of those dreams without disrupting your sleep cycle too much, I suggest keeping a recording device near your bed so you can just talk into it. This works better than turning on a light and writing down the dream (unless you feel like that works better for you, then by all means do that).

*Pro tip: When you wake up, before you open your eyes, mentally recall as much as you can about the dream you just had. Once the light hits your eyes, the memory gets wiped, but with a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to remember more dreams than you ever thought possible!

Once I wake up in the morning for good, I listen to my recordings and write down the key themes, people, or things that stood out. It’s also important to note any feelings or intuitive clues that come through for you. Then, at some point throughout the day (the sooner the better, though) I research those things to help understand the message.

Keeping a written dream journal and reviewing it throughout the year will also help you understand how the dreams fit together, like pieces of a puzzle. You may even start to recognize patterns and relationships between what was going on in your waking life (problems at work, health issues, etc) that can guide you to better handle similar situations in the future or even avoid problems all together. If you’re highly organized, having a way to catalog/index your dreams could help, too. Personally, I like to use color coded sticky tabs.

Remember, this is a nightly practice, so even if you don’t remember your dreams the first few nights, don’t stop. Like any exercise, it must be repeated regularly for the fruits of your efforts to manifest. Everyone is different, so I can’t guarantee when you’ll start remembering and understanding your dreams, but I encourage you to prioritize this for at least 30 days.

Do you have any tips for remembering your dreams? Leave a comment below so others can tap in to the collective wisdom.

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About Tara

Pisces, Empath, Lightworker, Healer, Teacher, Wisdom Seeker, King Salomon Initiate, and proud mom of two amazing kids!

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