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My Life Activation Experience

A Life Activation is the 22-strand DNA Activation that awakens your divine blueprint and heightens your connection with your Higher Self! While enabling you to bring in and anchor more Light (positive energy) in your physical body, the Life Activation also empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth unrevealed talents and abilities, and gives you more vitality and clarity. It begins a process of releasing unconscious patterns (old emotional traps we fall into), while increasing your ability to use more of your brain and clears family and genetic karmic patterns. Because of its potential to change lives after a single session, it’s one of the most powerful modalities I’ve found and is the most sacred services I offer.

“But, Tara, does it really work?” “How did you get started with this?” “Will it work for me?”

All great questions, and I’m happy to share my experience with you, as well as some of the stories I’ve heard from other students at the Modern Mystery School.

The Modern Mystery School encourages everyone to form their own opinions through their own experiences, so I’m going to do just that. Before I share all the ways, great and small, that my life has changed since receiving the Life Activation, I’m going to give you some context on what was going on in my life at that time (answering question 2 first).

How I got started with The Modern Mystery School and Life Activations

In the 2 years leading up to my Life Activation, it felt like my life had completely fallen apart (more about that on my About page). I was divorced, quit my crappy retail job only to end up in a just-as-crappy-but-in-a-different-way job as an insurance agent. I was simultaneously trying to start a life coaching business, dealing with overwhelming anxiety, started smoking again, and was drinking more than ever. I lost all of my friends with the divorce and the co-worker friends I made at my retail job also fell away, so I felt really alone. I had trouble sleeping at night and had a strange addiction to Alka Seltzer (I drank some every night). At my lowest, I had to borrow $5,000 from my ex-husband and had no idea how (or if) I was going to pay him back. Being in debt to him just made me ill, but I had to pay the bills. I knew I wanted to be of service to people, but had no clarity on how exactly to do that. I desperately wanted to move out of my tiny 2-bedroom apartment (where I was living with my 2 kids and taking care of my mom) and into a house, but that seemed so far away.

I tried all the “new age” ways to manifest what I wanted (feng shui, guided meditations on YouTube, affirmations, self-hypnosis, vision boards, etc), but I was getting nowhere. One evening I was drinking a beer alone in my room while watching Gaia and decided to watch Mystery Teachings with Dr. Theresa Bullard. Everything she taught resonated with me so deeply that I immediately stopped drinking & smoking and went online to find the nearest Modern Mystery School. Luckily, there’s one in Austin, which is only a 3-hour drive for me, so I reached out to them to make an appointment. I didn’t know what I needed, exactly, just that I needed to be there. My incredible Guide told me that the best place to start is with a Life Activation and after sitting with her to talk (which I really needed to do with someone who I felt could actually understand where I was coming from), I let her do her thing.

What is it like to receive a Life Activation?

For me, as her client, it was really peaceful. At one point I almost fell asleep. It starts with a beautiful hug and removing of shoes. Then there’s a lot of sitting and standing and sitting and standing, during which she toned some sounds. Honestly, it seemed a bit woo-woo to me at the time even though I had been studying some form of spirituality for years. It ends with a reading and another hug.

After going through the training to become a Life Activation Practitioner myself, I’ve had a few clients that had varied experiences during the session. One client cried when I was working in her etheric energy field. One fell asleep & started snoring. Another felt her body temperature rise, she started sweating & shaking and we had to take a break. One didn’t feel anything at all. Everyone is different and has their own unique experiences both during and after the session – and they’re all okay.

There are two great things about Life Activations: 1) they work whether you believe in them or feel something – or not. 2) one session can last a lifetime, which really sets it apart from other “new age” healing modalities.

Do Life Activations really work?

The short answer is yes, but how they will work for you is as unique as you are. I’ll share how my life changed after I received one.

I was so busy with my day-to-day life that I didn’t really notice changes right away, but when I had a follow-up call with my Guide, I realized that I had stopped drinking caffeine and instead was drinking a ton of water. My adult acne almost completely cleared up and I stopped craving my nightly Alka Seltzer. My anxiety wasn’t so overwhelming anymore and I was sleeping better at night. I even landed a 6-figure job working from home with a flexible schedule. A few months later, I was able to get my dream house and move my family in. The new neighborhood has lots of kids the same ages that they can safely play with outside and we have a big back yard that I’m now turning into a magickal fairy garden. It’s now been a year since my Life Activation and I have a new group of friends that feel like my spiritual family, I’m healthier, wealthier, and happier. My Clair senses are starting to wake up and I’m both more sensitive to energies, but also better equipped to protect myself. What I’m most grateful for is the clarity of purpose and the connection I have with my new friends because we connect on such a profound level. It feels like I’ve known them for eternity.

Other results I’ve heard: A sudden motivation to exercise and successfully lose weight after struggling for decades to get off the couch; increased synchronicities that lead to more financial & career success; finally finding the “perfect” partner; being awakened to their life purpose and following a path that feels more authentic. The list could go on, but I encourage you to experience it yourself. Here are a couple other video testimonials. Please, do not take our word for it. The only way you’ll know it works is to do it.

Preparing for your Life Activation

I often get asked, “What do I need to do to prepare for my Life Activation?” and “What do I need to wear?”

The short answer is “nothing” and “something comfortable.” I’ll elaborate on both.

While you can show up to the Life Activation without doing any prep, there are some optional things you can do to have better results.

  • Don’t drink alcohol or smoke anything within 24 hrs before the appointment
  • Do drink lots of water and eat something healthy (whatever that means for you)
  • Wear shoes that you can easily remove
  • Wear clothes that fit properly and that you can sit & stand in comfortably
  • You can wear crystal jewelry/accessories

This is a private, sacred service, so please don’t bring friends or family (unless they are receiving a Life Activation, too, but they would still be seen privately). The exception is for minors – parents can be in the room.


Yes, I can do a Life Activation on your pet. Cats & dogs love it! Interested in having your pet activated? Ask me about custom pet pricing.

What happens after the Life Activation?

You may feel a temperature change, lightheaded, or nothing at all. Whatever you feel afterwards is totally fine and normal for you. Immediately following your session, be sure to drink lots of water, eat healthy foods, and get plenty of rest. We’ll schedule a follow-up call where I’ll check to see how you’re doing and if you have any questions or concerns. Over the next few weeks or months, things will start to shift for you. I recommend you keep a journal because some shifts seem subtle and can easily be missed, but are still quite important.

Ready to get started?

Even if you just want to learn more, contact me and we can schedule some time to chat. I’m happy to answer your questions and make sure you feel supported.

About Tara

Pisces, Empath, Lightworker, Healer, Teacher, Wisdom Seeker, King Salomon Initiate, and proud mom of two amazing kids!

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