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Hidden Manifestation Blocks

Manifesting has become a buzzword in pop culture since You are a co-creator

The first thing to understand is that you are a co-creator of your life. The Universe (or Source or God or whatever you prefer to call the eternal higher power that exists) moves things, people, and events into your life that are a match for your frequency. Once they are within reach for you, you have to take the necessary actions to receive them. Let’s break that down a bit more.

As a co-creator, you are God-like. As stated in nearly every religious text, you/we were made in the image of God. God can manifest things and so can you. You are just as eternal and powerful as God is (you just forgot thanks to the veil). You can also unknowingly block things that your conscious mind wants to attract. The most common hidden block is that you don’t feel worthy of receiving that thing, person, or event, so if you’re not seeing results, the best way to overcome the feeling of unworthiness is to do some form of shadow work. You have to heal the trauma that caused you to feel unworthy so that you can easily receive.

Healing is crucial

To clarify, shadow work is when you recognize traumas that need healing and then find ways to heal them. Most people have several kinds of trauma they’re carrying around (both personal and ancestral) and there are several healing modalities to help each of them (shamanic soul retrieval, journaling, meditation, etc). To set a realistic expectation, it can take a few weeks to a few years to truly heal – everyone is different.

Here’s an example of the unworthiness trauma:

You want to manifest a job that pays six figures per year, but when you were growing up, your father abandoned the family and you struggled financially. Seeing how hard it was to make money and feeling unworthy of your father’s love, you now have an energetic and subconscious block to receiving large sums of money and it feels inauthentic to say that you’re worthy of securing a job that would easily bring financial abundance into your life (as in an affirmation). This was one of my traumas that I had to heal – and a very common one – so you’re definitely not alone if this resonates with you.

Note: Affirmations were all the rage when The Secret came out, but I have found them to be slow to produce results and it’s difficult for most people to repeat them regularly enough to make a difference. Instead, I recommend you focus on a single mantra aimed one specific area that you want to improve and utilize one of the many other more powerful healing modalities that are available to see better results.

Your aura matters

Another level of the blocks could be your aura. Let’s say, in the above example, you spent years smoking cigarettes and/or marijuana to numb your feelings of unworthiness. That has caused your aura to be damaged, your energy to be a very low frequency, and has likely shut down your root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras. So in addition to doing shadow work to heal the emotional trauma, you could also benefit from energy healing work to restore your aura and chakras to their naturally healthy and strong states so that you can vibrate at a higher level that’s more aligned with the the six-figure job you’re hoping to manifest.

If you want to take your frequency to the next level, I highly recommend a Life Activation from the Modern Mystery School. This is the 22-strand DNA Activation that awakens your divine blueprint and heightens your connection with your Higher Self! While enabling you to bring in and anchor more Light (positive energy) in your physical body, the Life Activation also empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth unrevealed talents and abilities, and gives you more vitality and clarity. It begins a process of releasing unconscious patterns (old emotional traps we fall into), while increasing your ability to use more of your brain and clears family and genetic karmic patterns. Contact me if you’re interested in this, as helping you on your path is my purpose in life.

If you’re not ready for the Life Activation yet, that’s okay. There are other tools you can use to empower yourself and start manifesting after you’ve healed the trauma.

Manifesting Hack #1

Programming your water – There have been tons of studies done that show water if affected by vibrations and since your body is mostly made up of water, programming the water you drink by speaking loving, healing words into it will continue to vibrate within your body as you drink it. My favorite way to do this is first thing in the morning when I wake up, I get a glass of water and say “I love you” 9 times into the glass so that the vibrations of my voice directly affect the water. Why “I love you?” Because we attract what we are. If I am love and I send out loving vibrations, I will in turn attract people who return those loving vibrations, thus creating a more harmonious circle of friends, colleagues, and neighbors. Why 9 times? Nikola Tesla (who was also an initiate) said that if we understood the power of 3, 6, and 9, you would have the key to the universe. This aligns with sacred geometry and the more ways you can be in harmony with the universe, the more powerful of a co-creator you will be!

Manifesting Hack #2

Creating an energy ball – Brian Scott’s YouTube video goes into great detail on why this works and how to do it. I highly recommend it!

Manifesting Hack #3

Act as if – The goal of this exercise it to shift your frequency so that you align with that which you want to attract. Remember, the Law of Attraction is “like attracts like,” so if your frequency says you’re broke, you’re not in alignment with that 6-figure job. The key here is to act as if you already have the job (or thing or relationship). Make your own business cards on Canva that “prove” you work there. Say your name, title, and company name out loud to yourself in front of a mirror (“My name is Araceli Lopez and I’m the Head of Marketing at Etsy.” or “My name is Kiko Nakamura and I’m the Editor in Chief at ABC Publishing Company.”). Follow their company’s social accounts and connect with people that work there and feel like they’re your colleagues.

If you’re trying to attract a sacred partner, leave an empty drawer for them in your night stand. Create space for their clothes in your closet. Put a new toothbrush in your toothbrush holder for them. When you wake up, say out loud, “Good morning, my sacred partner. I love you.” When you go to sleep, say out loud, “Good night, my sacred partner. I love you.”

Manifest with me

Are you ready to heal & step into to your birthright as a powerful co-creator? If so, I’d love to be your healer & guide on this journey! Contact me today and let’s discuss how I can support you on your journey!

What healing modalities & manifesting tools have worked for you? Comment below. Do you know someone who has run into manifesting blocks? Share this with them.

About Tara

Pisces, Empath, Lightworker, Healer, Teacher, Wisdom Seeker, King Salomon Initiate, and proud mom of two amazing kids!

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