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Your Soul Contract Decoded by Nicolas David Ngan – Book Review

If you have been struggling with figuring out what your life purpose is and you’re open to Numerology and the concept of reincarnation, this book will provide an enormous amount of clarity! The wisdom was channeled by Frank Alper and was originally referred to as the Spiritual Numerology of Moses. It was then passed on to his apprentice, Nicolas David Ngan, who went on to author this book, Your Soul Contract Decoded, after years of putting it to practical use for his clients and witnessing the profound changes it brought to their lives.

I will do my best to share the wisdom the book puts forth, provide my actual personal reading, and relate the results to my own experiences to evaluate their accuracy.

TLDR: Buy this book!

It starts with an overview of the fundamentals, but how it works isn’t as important as knowing that it does. As Steve Nobel states in the foreword, “What struck me immediately about Soul Contract Readings was that it was not based simply on personality, mindset, emotions, or behaviour (although it has insights into all of these aspects of Earthly life), but that it was fundamentally based on the soul.”

A high-level overview of the process goes like this:

  • Draw a Star of David and write out the name on your birth certificate with no space, like it’s all one word.
  • Convert the letters to the phonetic Hebrew letters and note their corresponding numbers.
  • Go around the Star of David in a clockwise direction, starting at the top, and allocate the numbers at each point.
  • Add up the numbers at each point (for 2-digit numbers, add them together; for 1-digit numbers, you’ll use the same number for both sides)
  • Fill out the table at the bottom of the form to discover your Physical Karma, Physical Talents, Physical Goals, Spiritual Karma, Spiritual Talents, Spiritual Goals, Soul Destiny, and Dominant Vibration.
Your Soul Contract Decoded - Tara Raymundo -

The image above is my actual Soul Contract reading. You can use their software to instantly generate your own reading, but it’s important that you go through the book to understand what it all means. I will walk you through my results and how each resonated with me. It’s important to combine the energies of both numbers (both 16 and 7, for example) to understand the meanings on a deeper level.

Physical Karma: 7-7

To parse the meanings presented across several chapters in the book, 7 is a Master Number for Great Power. You are here to guide people and act as a facilitator. This energy is about connecting with and catalyzing groups of people to action. The Gemini energy associated with it means you’re versatile and intellectual, but also can be manipulative and controlling. A 7-7 in the Physical Karma spot indicates past life abuse of abundance and you may be scared of opening up emotionally. You need healing for the fear of being seen and for accepting the Dark Side of yourself. You can appear to be in dreamland. You need to learn to present your true self to people, not the facade. You are the link that unites and serves as a catalyst, activating major change in people. You are here to finalize decisions with the capacity to see both sides of a situation equally. You have energies like Solomon: arbitrator, judge, counselor. You are magnetic, always liked. Your goal is to come out of hiding and really express your true self.

Wow! That’s a lot to unpack! First, let me just say that I love that the book shows the “negative” aspects of each energy because it’s crucial to doing your shadow work (and I’m no exception). I put “negative” in quotations because from a spiritual perspective, it just indicates an area that needs to be healed or overcome in order to progress on the ascension path.

What really resonated with me was the facade and made me realize I really do have a fear of people seeing the real me because I may be judged harshly, rejected, or be deemed unworthy. I had to ask myself where does that fear come from and how do I heal that? I grew up poor in the projects on welfare to a single mom. I never felt like I belonged, so I learned early on that I needed to “fake it till I made it,” so I acted the way I thought other people wanted me to act. Even my obsession with changing my hair color & style every 8 weeks was a symptom of this deeper lesson.

Though that coping mechanism worked in social situations, I still felt rejected by my dad. It always comes down to daddy issues, doesn’t it? lol. Of course, on a logical level, I’ve always been glad he wasn’t in my life because he had many vices and was mentally unstable. Had he been around, I have no doubt the trauma would’ve been much more severe. He died from brain, lung, liver, and stomach cancer over a decade ago, so I couldn’t get closure. A few years ago, when I first went through my spiritual awakening, I knew that I needed to forgive him and realized that could still be done on a spiritual level since time is just a construct of the matrix we’re in, so I did a lot of shadow work and thought I had healed that, but after reading this book, I wondered if there was still more to do because if it was completely healed, why do I still have issues opening up and sharing my true self with others? Part of my work in dropping the facade is this blog and owning my natural hair color. Though the latter sounds trivial, I inherited my hair color and texture from my dad, so this is one way I’m integrating my true self and presenting it to the world.

The “past life abuse of abundance” is fascinating and explains why my soul chose to incarnate in near-poverty in this life. It does make me wondering what exactly happened and I may explore that in the future with past-life regression and an Akashic reading. It’s important to note, however, that healing and overcoming karma can be done without full conscious knowledge of what occurred. If you’d like to work through your own healing and karma with me, I offer spiritual counseling and guide you through your process.

When I saw “guide people and act as a facilitator” listed for the 7-7 energy, it just confirmed the spiritual download I received 3 years ago that I needed to be a life coach, and I think I always knew that’s what I was meant to do. This reading also helped me realize that even though I’m endlessly curious and interested in so many different subjects (and potential careers), that I’ve always been unsure about what to do next. For example, some of the careers and interests I’ve had over the past 20 years consisted of Help Desk Manager, Wedding Planner, Interior Designer, Realtor, Ancient History Researcher, and Corporate Recruiter, to name a few. This is why my friends and family have commented that I’m a dreamer (and aligns with what this book attributed the number 7 to) and harkens back to having a facade my entire life and it prevented me from really knowing who I am. Realizing this, I immediately began working on healing and balancing my solar plexus chakra which is the energetic center for personal power and identity.

Having the clarity around my true soul purpose for this lifetime has been invaluable and honestly feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Of course, I can still do the things that interest me as a hobby, but knowing where to focus my energy has brought me into better alignment with Source and has manifested so many wonderful things. It’s like things are easier now; they seem to fall into place.

Physical Talents: 16-7

According to this book, when a number like 16-7 shows up, it’s your soul showing you that you’re meant to experience the range of energies between those two numbers and to get the best understanding, you’ll need to explore the energies of both numbers.

A 16-7 in the Physical Talents spot indicates powerful energies that draw people to you. You’ll end up facilitating groups you join and have come here to teach people. The 16 also lists “authentic” as a talent, which is a direct contradiction to the number 7. That’s meant to show you that once you overcome the Physical Karma of dropping the facade, your Physical talent will be available to you.

We’ve already discussed the number 7 on its own, so let’s explore the number 16. It relates to the physical plane and carries a Capricorn energy. On the plus side, reliable, ambitious, and determined. On the minus side, you must learn to release these hard physical vibrations for love. You can be stingy and unadventurous.

The recommendation from the author for those with 16-7 is to learn to trust the spiritual energies coming to you, to meditate, and open up to love.

Again, here we see another clue from my soul that my purpose is to be a spiritual leader and being reliable, ambitious, and determined are key talents needed for starting my own business. What I find fascinating here is the “open up to love” part. I got divorced 3 years ago (which was directly related to my spiritual awakening, but that’s a topic for a whole other blog post) and haven’t been in a relationship with anyone since then. It’s only been recently that I finally feel ready to welcome in my sacred partner and call him to me vibrationally. It’s reassuring to me to this message appeared to me at this time, as I can literally feel the connection bringing us closer together in divine timing.

Physical Goals: 7-7

The energies of the 7-7 mentioned earlier apply here, as well, but when we look at it in terms of Physical Goals, there’s more insight to gain. First, these energies are more magnetic here than they would be in a Physical Talents position. Second, the soul is letting you know that the goals you’ve come here to achieve are to become one person (integrate the fake version of yourself with the the authentic version) and make decisions in life; to come out of hiding and really express your true self.

This resonates as profoundly true for me and reinforces what I already knew. The challenge is to put the knowledge into action and live my truth on a daily basis. I definitely feel like I have made tremendous progress on this front and have seen the Universe support me with opportunities to practice, and for that, I’m super grateful!

Spiritual Karma: 11-2

Finally, a new number set to explore! lol.

As I mentioned in Physical Talents, when there are 2 different numbers in the set, like 11-2, this shows the range of energies you’re meant to experience.

The symbol for the 2 is an actively male/paternal sign – a coiled spring, resilient, open at one end so people can come in, move around, and experience power and protection. It carries energies from the Moon, indicating sympathetic responsiveness, an adaptable sense of self, and inner contentment. It can also manifest as oversensitivity, insecurity, and an inaccurate sense of self. This energy is designed to emotionally support you and others. The lessons here are to move from foolishness to wisdom and to overcome a lack of proper judgement and misuse of abilities. Basically, to become wise and emotionally resilient.

The symbol for the 11 is a sign of assimilation. It receives and creates all forms and carries physical energies to a great degree. It’s ruled by Venus, which carries energies of love, harmony, personal values, and combines the emotional support of the 2 (Moon) enabling you to invite people into your aura to teach, nurture, and share with them.

In the Spiritual Karma spot, 11-2 reveals that you have a tendency to become dependent because you don’t have a structure to understand spiritual truth, and you have no resiliency to cope with spiritual unknowns.

The recommendation here is to heal dysfunctional patterns from others that you’ve taken on, explore different ways of learning so you can find a way to build your own structure of truth, and feel in your heart what’s really going on in reality. The author mentions using Color Light Therapy and Divine healing.

Since this reading is meant to cover the entire life for the current incarnation, it doesn’t resonate as true for me as the others did, but it does remind me that during the first half of my life, I was kind of a mess. It is true that I didn’t have a structure for anything and felt like I was on my own to figure things out, so I hopped around to everything from agnostic to Buddhist to Catholic and nearly everything in between. I didn’t know what my purpose was or if I would have enough money to pay my bills next month. After many years of shadow work, meditation, and energy clearing & balancing, I feel like I’ve overcome this karma from the 11 end of the spectrum and have moved closer to the energies the 2 brings, such as teaching, nurturing, and providing emotional support for my clients as they explore their own spiritual journey.

Spiritual Talents: 3-3

Like the 7-7, the 3-3 is another Master Number and is extremely powerful and strong. It carries the energies of Mars that can manifest as protection, courage, willpower, and leadership, but can also cause improper use of force and impatience. This energy is all about communication by bringing internal concepts out to the world in a feeling manner, but it can also go the other way, like being able to hear and absorb feelings from others, allowing for 2-way communication. You underestimate your own abilities, especially the ability to teach from the soul, but you have the capacity to bring concepts to life. You are creative and can communicate through writing and performance. You are extremely shy; you have to learn to come out and express your true self in a confident manner. You make unwise buying decisions and you may find it difficult to charge for services. The goals are to move from poverty to wealth and strive to be a teacher in some form.

The author has quite a few recommendations for the 3-3: “You literally need to express your way through the communication blockage. You need healing to overcome the emotional frozenness. You need to rebuilt worthiness. This can be done through healing work coupled with being loved. The key program that needs to be access is usually “father never loved me.” As you gradually move into an increasing feeling of being unconditionally loved by Father God, you will move into more wealth consciousness. Tithing 10% to charities is very powerful. Give away services when it feels right. Have people speak into your left ear. Practice Osho Dynamic Meditation.”

Here, the situation of poverty I was born into was clearly intentionally chosen by my soul and through utilizing the talents I was given, I have managed to clear those blocks around unworthiness and abundance to move into a wealthier life. I wouldn’t consider myself rich yet, but I’m definitely on the path to achieving that in hopes of learning the true lessons my soul wanted to learn in this life. I have also stepped into the role of spiritual teacher and am using this blog as one avenue of communication, so again, this part of the reading really resonates with me.

Spiritual Goals: 10-1

1 is the energy of Archangel Michael, the masculine expression of God coming from within you. With great power comes great responsibility. Archangel Michael is the Creator of our Universe. Its planet is Pluto (yes, I know it’s technically a dwarf planet now, but it still counts in Astrology.) with positive attributes of a philanthropist, seeing through spiritual walls, great power of insight, carrying high master energies, and being reborn. The negative attributes include subconscious cravings, manipulating others to serve your own ends, avoidance of yourself, and infatuation with power. You could be greedy or abuse power. If you’re avoiding spiritual growth, you could be unstable.

This is about creating a collective unity within the consciousness of humanity and coming into mastery of yourself while on Earth. This means transmuting enough of the ego separation programs within you to allow the ego to be reabsorbed into higher consciousness so it no longer dominates your life. You carry the vibrations to disseminate knowledge. You area a service soul who has been to Earth many times and has returned to serve humanity by bringing in a higher state of consciousness. It will take you time to get used to the power as you come into it. You are a natural healer. The goal here is to become stable and use power properly.

Reclaiming my power is something I’ve been working on and am starting to step into the spiritual leadership position my soul planned for this incarnation, so the “infatuation with power” and “greedy” attributes don’t feel applicable to me, but I love that it could be a warning for future Tara, as I do still have many decades left to live. The mention of being “a natural healer” is one that I do resonate with very strongly. Two years ago I earn my Reiki Level II certification and I’m currently working my way through the Healer’s Academy at the Modern Mystery School in Austin, TX. Energy healing is one of the first things I felt called to after my spiritual awakening and one of the things I plan on doing for the rest of my life. Helping others clear negative energy, balance their chakras, and taking in more light aligns beautifully with the explanation of being here “to serve humanity by bringing in a higher state of consciousness.” That’s exactly what I do! Learn more about my services and how we can best work together.

Ready for your Soul Contract reading?

Pick up the Your Soul Contract Decoded book and explore other spiritual books here.

Do you need spiritual guidance or clarity on your life purpose? Contact me to schedule an appointment now.

About Tara

Pisces, Empath, Lightworker, Healer, Teacher, Wisdom Seeker, King Salomon Initiate, and proud mom of two amazing kids!

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